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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jesus H. Christ, I've got two blogs!

I know, I know, that was cursing. In earlier times, a common fellow like me might exclaim, "Odds Plut and her nails!" Odd's Plut was a corruption of the ancient oath "God's Blood" and the addition of and her nails was meant to confuse the notion the oath speaker was referring to Jesus's hands, nailed to the cross, surely one couldn't be referring to Jesu Christi, who was obviously a he. And thus it is by guile and subterfuge that we common sinners hope to slip unnoticed through the pearly gates of heaven.

But I digress. My other blog is www.johnklawitter'sblog@blogspot.com.

And, frankly, I haven't the foggiest idea why it's there. Or you here,
for that matter.

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