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Thursday, April 29, 2010


I know some disgruntled sci fi addicts have been arguing Avatar is too 
much like Dances With Wolves (and a few other pics).  In my opinion that's 
an unfair comment in this age of genre driven entertainment.  I didn't 
hear any outcry that The Hurt Locker was too like The War Lover or The 
English Patient or Platoon.  

Was Avatar a perfect picture?  No, of course not.  Every picture fights
production realities from the moment it is green lighted.  But you have
to think it broke new ground in filmic directions as did Kubrick with 2001.

Was Avatar some revolutionary new story concept?  No, but I don't know 
how you can say that about any story since the Greek theater.  

As those who are grumbling about  a 'waste of millions upon millions of 
dollars', what's that all about?  Wasted on what?  The production of 
Avatar certainly employed a lot of people in this business for a long period
of time, and it was financially successful and so the filmmakers
live another day to make more pictures in the uncertain and fickle 
entertainment industry.

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