Welcome to the landing zone

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This state is so corrupt nobody raises an eyebrow that the union standing the most to lose if Meg Whitman won the race for governor managed the dirty trick of the century to pull her down, framing her for somehow exploiting a Hispanic housekeeper.  Throw enough money behind anything and you can fool some of the people some of the time: in this case, just enough Hispanics to squeak out a win for Governer Moonbeam, as he was commonly referred to the last time he failed miserably at the job.  The only honorable thing for Jerry Brown to do is to wash his hands of the whole mess and resign...oh, wait, he's in bed with the unions.  They poured in huge money to fund his anti-Meg campaign, the one with the indignation over Meg being against the poor working people of California and for the evil oil consortiums and against sweet pure air and green trees and for sending jobs to China and making a lot of money in business.  So one has to at least suspect Jerry was in on the Hispanic Housekeeper Trick in the first place.  God only knows, maybe it was his idea, that old Jesuit cunning coming into play.  Well, one good thing, the Dems have found a way to slow the tide of illegals.  With business leaving the state at a fast trot, with cities, counties and the state coffers dry and with prices, taxes and unemployment levels at record levels, nobody's going to be able to afford housekeepers or lawn snippers.  Or buy food or gas, or pay the mortgage, for that matter.

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