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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

This Is The Way It's Supposed To Work

Forget the adolescent, howling rage from the White House for a moment.  Forget the news reports of eminent doom.  This is the way democracy works.  We, the voters-collective, elected a socialist President, and we have to live with that.  The President is pushing for a more liberal Supreme Court, and we have to live with that.  We elected a liberal senate, and we have to live with that, as well. We also elected a House of Representatives to follow the will of the people, and they do not like high taxes, big government, Obamacare, or spending money we do not have.  Sure, Obama and Harry Reid are raging like caged lions; nobody likes to have their personal aspirations and notions of what is right for the country placed in check by the will of the people.  Accusations are flung, and things seem out of control.  Things actually are somewhat out of control, and will be for a time, until common sense prevails.  If you and I don't like it, next time around we can vote for Representatives, Senators and a President more aligned with our vision of these United States of America.

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